TSG featured in Welcome to the Arena Podcast

Chad Cardenas, Founder & CEO, The Syndicate Group – Connecting Capital: Scaling Startups Through Strategic Networking

Case study - Empowering Channel Growth: Grip Security's Journey with TSG

Case Studies

Abnormal Security Looks to TSG for Value Beyond Capital, Channel-Led Growth

Empowering Channel Growth: Grip security's Journey with TSG


What We Do

We help startups scale faster by organizing exclusive investment access for their strategic ecosystem

What We Do

We help startups scale faster by organizing exclusive investment access for their strategic ecosystem

Who We Serve

Startups and Strategic Partners

Startups benefit from an ecosystem with more skin in the game
Strategics get early looks at the best companies and unprecedented access to invest in them

Who We Serve

Startups and Strategic Partners

Startups benefit from an ecosystem with more skin in the game
Strategics get early looks at the best companies and unprecedented access to invest in them

Why Do We Do It

Inclusion benefits all

For Startups

Startups deserve to have easy access to truly strategic capital, capturing the mindshare and focus of the folks who are best positioned accelerate revenue growth

For Ecosystem Partners

Of everyone in a startup's orbit, those who can make a real difference in the field should not be left on the sidelines of investing in the greatest companies


Top tier VC firms partnered with TSG


Ecosystem Partners in the TSG Platform


Strategic Individuals in the TSG Platform


Strategic Capital Programs launched


Top tier enterprise tech-focused VC firms partnered with TSG


Channel companies in the TSG network


Strategic individuals in the TSG network


Strategic Capital Programs launched

Channel companies in the TSG network
Strategic individuals in the TSG network
Top tier enterprise tech-focused VC firms partnered with TSG
Strategic Capital Programs launched

Strategic Capital Program

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

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